Storyteller and Communicator…

Forever looking to the skies, mountains, and oceans finding powerful words to describe what I see. It’s a gift, you see, and I want to share it.

I’m a ranch-girl always. Although I live in the city now, the wide spaces of Wyoming, both sky and land, live in my memory. I write from that place.

I am a mother of three and grandmother to twelve. As much as I love seeing the world, I love these familiar faces more. 

I am passionate about helping my clients find, craft, and share their stories. Creating content for businesses and organizations I believe in and connecting with their followers or potential customers on social media and in blog posts brings me joy. I hope my writing inspires you.  Feel free to leave a comment and follow me on social media!


My father in Wyoming in 1955.

My father in Wyoming in 1955.

My father’s cattle ranch, The JH, in Wyoming in 1955.

My father’s cattle ranch, The JH, in Wyoming in 1955.

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