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The Magic of Floating in the Sea

The Magic of Floating in the Sea

Ocean-floating is kind of like magic. Lying down in salty water and stretching out suspended as if in mid-air. All muscles relaxing and body buoying in gentle waves. Head back, looking up at skies so blue.


The morning sun looks down in an approving smile. Heavy thoughts evaporate into nothingness. The water's cold enough to bring sweet relief and, at the same time, jolts me with a kick-start. Delight fills me up, and I can not keep from laughing a quiet laugh of joyful zeal.


The ocean feels boundless, and as I rest in the sea, I can hear only my breathing, deep and long. I can feel a slight summer breeze brush my fingertips and face.

And when I am old and can no longer visit the sea, I shall close my eyes and dream of lying down on an ocean bed. I will remember the magic of floating in the sea.


Waiting in the Train Station—Waiting to begin EMDR

Waiting in the Train Station—Waiting to begin EMDR

Bitter or Sweet

Bitter or Sweet