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One Step at a Time—One Day at a Time

One Step at a Time—One Day at a Time

Scott Kranz: Photo Credit

One step at a time. One day at a time. I need not be overwhelmed as I look at the steep, jagged path up ahead. I need not fear when the clouds shroud the mountain, and I cannot even see the road beneath my feet. One step at a time. One day at a time.

I have faith, but it isn’t blind faith. The one I follow proves himself present and faithful always. Even now, as I look back and see the path behind me and see the dark valley I just came from, I see he led me. He is the good shepherd. I see now he carried me through the roughest terrain. He held me close to his heart and kept me from falling.

I step closer to the summit each day. The clouds often seem to be way below me in the valley— and the blue sky overhead, clear and bright. I can even see there is a path ahead, leading me to go upward—leading me beyond to something higher. I have hope.

I want.to feel the beauty of this day. I breathe in the fresh morning air and the fragrance of honeysuckle blooming nearby. I close my eyes and soak in the loveliness of the early sunshine. I open my eyes and look up and see the light blue skies and the greens in all their varied shades. I want to live in this moment and see the sunshine in their smiles and hear the music in their laughter. I want to live in this day. One step at a time. One day at a time.

When I Go To The Woods

When I Go To The Woods

Life Hacks of a Newly-Divorced Woman

Life Hacks of a Newly-Divorced Woman